Sigma Rollers is not only involved in manufacturing and supplying an unparalleled range of printing rollers, it is also engaged in offering turnkey projects including manufacturing and refurbishing units. These services comprise supplying in-house manufactured machinery, equipment, compounds and polymers and regular supply of raw material.



Sigma Rollers is not only involved in manufacturing and supplying an unparalleled range of printing rollers, it is also engaged in offering turnkey projects including manufacturing and refurbishing units. These services comprise supplying in-house manufactured machinery, equipment, compound and regular supply of raw material.

  • Turn Key Projects
  • Up gradation of machinery & infrastructure of existing unit

We have a recognized reputation for building/ marketing Roller production machinery that’s Simple, remarkable, repeatable, reliable, most economical and profitable.


We drive the project and take all the pressure. Leave the work to us — all you do is open for business.

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A TURNKEY PROJECT gives you all the gain without the pain. A total Printing rollers manufacturing plant/ refurbishing plant project provision package, it means you leave control of the complete project to Sigma Rollers. We make the decisions and take the pressure, while you can relax, secure in the knowledge that your plant project is in capable and experienced hands.

So, what are you waiting for ? If you have a business idea and want to explore new earning avenues, get in touch with our expert team for simplified assistance and guidance. Click here now and set up your own Printing Rollers manufacturing/ refurbishing plant !

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