SIGMA ROLLERS PVT. LTD. was established in the year 2007 to provide high quality rollers for the printing and industrial fields. We are a team of professionals & our range includes Inking Rollers, Dampening Rollers, Rider Rollers, and Customized Rollers etc. We are a customer focused company and have built our business by providing top quality products and need-driven services.
SIGMA ROLLERS a known name in the Industry is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company. The company has a team of confident, competent people brought together to lead with an underscored commitment to quality. We adhere religiously to deadlines and employ team solutions to complex manufacturing challenges. We take extra steps to ensure your success and deliver your product in spec and on time. Our business is supported by a wide marketing and distribution network, and has established a reputation for strong customer support.
We are committed to Quality, Service and Reliability with wide spread clientele in India & Overseas and have happy clients in more than 15 countries across the globe. Our expert service is geared to ensure satisfaction no matter where you are located. Our USP is our Installation Ready Rollers which come fitted with bearing & circlips, individually packed as per OEM specifications.
We seek an opportunity to service your esteemed company. We are convinced that our quality and service will greatly enhance the performance of your machines.
Let us know the machine name, type of roller, hardness, quantity of required rollers and we shall send you our best offer.
We at Sigma Rollers will always strive to give you the best available rates and services in the market.
To place orders, click here now !